In my younger days, the pressure to conform to certain beauty standards was relentless. It felt like every corner I turned, there was another diet or exercise regimen promising the perfect physique. But rather than feeling empowered, these approaches left me feeling disconnected from my own body and trapped in an unhealthy cycle. The constant tug-of-war between overeating and under-exercising only fueled feelings of inadequacy, perpetuating a cycle that seemed impossible to break.

Then came that pivotal moment at 40—a moment of clarity that changed everything. It was like a light bulb switching on, illuminating a path to self-discovery and acceptance. But despite this breakthrough, there were still so many unanswered questions lingering in the air.

That's when I realized something profound: I wasn't alone in this journey. Countless others were grappling with the same struggles and uncertainties. And so, I embarked on a mission—to break free from the vicious cycle and help others do the same.

This isn't just about me—it's about you, your journey, and finding the freedom to embrace yourself fully. Together, let's put an end to the cycle and pave the way for a brighter, more fulfilling future.


Tahnee is a personal trainer, yoga teacher, fitness nutritionist, and all-around health enthusiast.

She loves learning more and more about fitness and how she can help people improve their lives.

Tahnee is an avid baker who also enjoys fresh pasta dishes.

She's a wife and frenchie mom who loves spending time with her family and helping others achieve their fitness goals.

This is ME

I've had a few transformations, but THIS one is by far my most coveted one.

This particular transformation led me to the bodybuilding bikini div. stage. I'm so dang proud of this one!

My total weight loss at that time was 30lbs in about 6 months. This level of commitment and training is at the highest level.

I want to show you what you can achieve when you commit wholeheartedly.

Whether you are training for the stage, for your mental health or to feel more confident.

I promise to be with you every step of the way!

Meet Kelly

Kelly is a single mum of 2.

She wanted a program that she could stick too, that wasn't too overwhelming and could fit in the odd glass of wine.

She lost a total of 18lbs on my 12 WK program.

She even went on vacation during that time and continued to make progress!

Meet Tracey

Tracey is a mum of 3, with a stressful 9-5.

She wanted a program that could work around her kids extra after school activities. She could only commit to, maybe 4 days a week.

She lost a total of 20lbs, by changing her diet, completely and committing to the program.

Her 12 week program consisted of full body workouts & steps goals.

She's currently still maintaining her weight loss!